April 6, 2009


The humans have arrived in Vancun:
More pics here--> Lainey!


The Elitist said...

did put the pic of justin by himself just for me? cause you know he is my third favorite asian? if so, i appreciate it.

FemmeFatale said...

I did actually. hahahaaha.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is wrong with anna´s face? she looks like a whole different person than in twilight..oO

FemmeFatale said...

I think she is wearing fake Raybans...just sayin.

Emmes said...

Elitist, I´d like to hear ur fave asian list please (I sortta have a thing for japanese guys...they always look like they have their shit together).

The Elitist said...

Emmes, you have no idea. It's my life goal to fuck, marry, and have Justin Nozuka's asian babies. In that order. He is my favorite famous person ever. I love him and his music.

Other asians incude:
Justin Chon
Jon Gosselin
Aaron Yoo

I want a Korean or Japenese dude. I also want a Brit, Californian, and North Dakotaian(?).

I'll just put it out there and say that I am a whore and want many people in me.

Emmes said...

LMAO...hey ain´t no shame in the game!