April 15, 2009

Kellan is cheating on me.

Kellan, I thought you broke up with AnnaLynne. Whatev, she's chill.

In all seriousness, can someone please explain this vid to me. Cause I don't get any part of it. 

Sorry, I can't figure out how to embed the vid. Watch it here.


flylikeabird said...

... Why..Why was he meowing? And singing? And slobbering all over her? If my boyfriend gave me a video like that, I'd be like "....uh...thanks?" Whatev, I still heart Kellan. I don't understand how TMZ got this though?

FemmeFatale said...

WTF was that? I threw up in my mouth a few times watching that.

Emmes said...

Word on the street, and by street I mean twitter...is it was 4:20 , if youknowwhatimean!

The Elitist said...

I still can't comprehend it. Kellan totally mind fucked me with that.

The Elitist said...

I pray to God that I'm not that lame when I'm high.

FemmeFatale said...

speaking of 420...its rapidly approaching...just sayin.