April 13, 2009

MTV Movie Awards

Yo. Its time to vote for the MTV Movie Awards:

Bert, Kristen, Cam and Twilight in the following categories:

Best Breakthrough Perfomance Male: Bert
Best Breakthrough Performance Female: Kristen

Best Female Performance: Kristen
Best Male Performace: Bert
Best Villian: Cam

Best Fight: Bert and Cam
Best Kiss: Bert and Kristen
Best Movie: Twilight



The Elitist said...

I'll be pissed if Slumdog Millionaire fucking takes over the VMAs, just like it did everything else.

I'm not saying I want Twilight to win everything, I just don't want that Slumdog fucker to win. I actually voted for a lot of non Twilight categories.

Femme - what the fuuuuuckkkk - they have James Franco against Seth Rogen for best comedic performance. Ughhh can't they win dually ?! AND they're against Russell ! Blasphemy I tell you.

Emmes said...

YAY ROB!!! Number ONE *does best cheerleading impersonation*

FemmeFatale said...

OMG...I didnt even vote yet but how am I supposed to choose between Twilight and Pineapple Express....fucccccckkk

FemmeFatale said...

I went with James and Sean Penn for best kiss.

The Elitist said...

Well I went for the Pineapple Express fight. Pahahahah that shit was hilarious.