(any philly creepers? Hit me up yo.)

Source: Your mom
Here is an interview with Tom ...rockin some new plaid.
VIDEO HERE (watch it or else no plaid for you)
Here is a little Q&A from Bliss Mag that was posted on HHBL LJ
What's your new film about then?
"The Boat That Rocked is about a boy who goes live aboard a pirate radio ship in the 60s with his godfather, played by Bill Nighy. For my character, Carl, it's a coming of age experience, getting caught up in the world of girls and music."
Were you popular with girls at school?
"Not at all, I can't talk to girls. I never know what to say."
Are you worried about the Fame thing?
"I can still walk around without being recognised. And I never look at anything about myself online. I don't know why anyone's interested in me!"
How is your mate Rob Pattinson dealing with all the attention?
"I think you'd need to ask him."
It must be nice to have a mate who's an actor like you...
"I think it's better to have friends who aren't in the industry. If you go out with actor friends all the time, the conversation gets dull"
We keep seeing pics of you and Rob in LA - Are you living there now?"
No, I'd miss the English weather!"
Pics of Tom from The Boat That Rocked premiere in Dublin:

*loves that he is pointing at himself* bahahah
Source: TomSturridge.net