April 23, 2009

Vintage Bert and Tom

New Moon ET Exclusive


The other Edward (to me).

I don't know about you guys but Henry Cavil is who I always pictured while reading Twilight. In fact, I owe one big fucking THANK YOU to Henry Cavil, as he is the reason I read Twilight at all. I was really into The Tudors back in the day and stopped by Henry's IMDb board one day just creeping and found that everyone's siggys had "Edward Cullen" in it.  I can still remember someone's siggy was the quote about "being white as a ghost, no you're as white as me." And I was like wtf? So I googled Edward Cullen and found out about Twilight. =] So thank you Mr. Cavil. If you want thank you sex, just let me know.

6th and South Street, Philadelphia

No shit, I am walking home from Whole Foods tonight and I see this:

So I do a double take and then LULZ and then took a pic with my phone.

My theory is that Tom is responsible for this graffiti...bahahaha