I never get sick of KStews "I just smoked ten blunts" face... EVER! The girl does it well...

But i actually think her gloves outshine her face... man I wish I saved my glow in the dark skeleton gloves from '92... guess i'll need to go on ebay and find me a pair.
Dude she totally wears them all the time. I want a pair too, so order me some.
NReed as a pair too...or they share.
Oh shit. We have joint custody shirts and gloves now. The only thing that would make this better is if Kellan and Edi have joint custody of a scarf.
(cue follower)Lovin´the blog girls!(I´ll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress)
ohh...by the way...I´m here cause I also want a Drunkbert , Tomstu sandwich...they told me the line was here, behind u guys :)
Hi Emmes ! Thanks and glad to have you here.
And yes the Tombert sandwich line starts here. =]
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