April 16, 2009

TomStud has a smoke with Sienna Miller and the best picture eva...

Lainey spinning shit again...again I hate her shit but love her pics.

And the best picture eva....

Tom I love you drunk and I love your sweater.

Some dialogue:
Elitest: wtf tom !?!?!
Elitest: mister rogers called from the grave....he wants his sweater back
Femme: yo, I have a sweater like that, its grey
Femme: bitch
Femme: haha
Elisest: you can be the mrs to his mr rogers
Femme: bahahahahahaahahahahahahaha yes


The Elitist said...

pahahahahahahha !
oh how i missed our dialogue.

and tom looks pre pubescent in these pics. just sayin....

Emmes said...

Best pic eva!!!!!....HUGE understatement ,ROTFL!

Is it really bad that it still makes me horny baby (a lá austin powers)?

La Stella said...

Emmes, if that is wrong, I never want to feel right, lol.